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The biggest facelift myths debunked

A facelift can take years of off your appearance, providing beautiful results that help you look years younger. When performed by a certified surgeon and using the latest advanced techniques, it can reduce signs of ageing, leaving you looking and feeling more youthful and rejuvenated. However, despite the effectiveness of the facelift, some people remain wary of the procedure. There are several myths about facelifts still floating around, and in this article, we’re going to debunk them once and for all.

Myth #1: Facelifts are only for older people

Many people think facelifts are only for older people, however, that’s just not the case. The truth is, although the procedure isn’t common amongst patients under 30, there’s no ideal age for a facelift. The normal ageing process leads the facial skin and muscle underneath it to sag over time. Yet, the effects of ageing can occur at any age. Younger people are increasingly presenting at cosmetic surgery clinics to discuss their options for maintaining their youth for longer.

Myth #2: Facelifts are only for women

Don’t assume that facelifts can only benefit women. Both women and men experience signs of ageing on the face and can benefit from facelift surgery equally. More and more men are opting for facelifts to refresh their appearance, with demand for male facelift surgery increasing by around 20% since the turn of the century. Men are likely to seek out surgery for facial ageing later in life than women.

Myth #3: Facelift results look unnatural 

Some people believe facelifts give unnatural results; however, this is largely due to them seeing stories of celebrities whose procedures have gone wrong in the news. These celebs have often undergone badly performed facelifts by cosmetic surgeons who lack specialist knowledge and experience of facial procedures. This often leads to a pulled look which appears artificial. When facelifts are undertaken by highly trained facial surgeons, the result is more natural and subtle.  

Myth #4: Facelifts give permanent results

Whilst it’s true that a facelift can make you look years younger, unfortunately, it can’t stop the ageing process altogether. The procedure doesn’t give permanent results and eventually your skin will age, whether you have a facelift or not. However, a facelift can certainly tighten up your skin, firming up your jowls or the loose skin on your neck. Many people find that the results of the procedure last several years, although they can vary between patients.

Myth #5: Recovery takes several months

One thing that puts many people off getting a facelift is the myth that it several months to recover from the procedure. Whilst it’s true that it does require some downtime, it’s only likely to take two to four weeks to fully recover. You’ll need to take this time off work. Follow the advice from your surgeon on how to keep downtime to a minimum.

Myth #6: There’s only one type of facelift

Many people think there’s only one type of facelift, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Everyone’s face is different, with contrasting anatomy and features. Therefore, every patient is likely to have different patterns of various ageing and surgery goals. There are various facelift techniques, and the one that’s right for you may not be right for someone else. One of the most common methods involves repositioning the SMAS (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System), such as the deep-plane facelift. 

Don’t be deterred by the myths surrounding facelifts. The truth is that facelifts have advanced considerably in recent years, with new techniques making the procedure safer and more effective than ever.

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